TM 5-3805-260-24
10. Install O-ring seal (23) on spacer (26).
11. Install springs (25) and (27), valve (24) and
spacer (26) in the body.
12. Install four 0-ring seals (29) in the cover. Install
cover (28) on the body.
13. Install O-ring seal (33) on plug (34). Install pilot
valve (31), spring (32), shims (30) and plug (34)
in the cover.
14. Install O-ring seals (35) in cover (36). Install the
lip type seal in the cover with tooling (A). Install
the seal until it makes contact with the counter-
bore in the cover and with the lip of the seal
toward the outside of the cover.
15. Install cover (36) on the body.
end by:
a) install steering control valve