TM 5-3805-260-24PROBLEM: Percent of flow loss for Tests 4 through7 is more than the percent shown on Chart A.PROBABLE REASON:A. Bad pump.B. Leakage in the relief valve.C. Wear or damage in the valve body and/orvalve spools.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:A. Do the Scraper Pump Tests, Chart C1.B. If the extra percent of flow loss is not causedby a bad pump, problem is in the control valves or reliefvalve.PROBLEM: Percent of flow loss for Tests 4 and/or 5is more than 15%; for Tests 6 and 7,percent of flow loss is less than thepercent shown in Chart A.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the ejector cylinder piston seals.B. Leakage in the ejector check valve.C. Leakage in the floor cylinder.D. Leakage in the floor check valve.E. Wear or damage in the control valve bodyand/or valve spool.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do the Blocked Circuit Tests 34 and 35 for theejector circuit. If leakage is still too high, the problem isin the ejector control valve. Inspect its components.PROBLEM: Percent of flow loss for Tests 6 and 7 ismore than the percent shown in Chart A; for Tests 4 and5, it is less than the percent shown in Chart A.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in one or both of the piston seals forthe bowl cylinders.B. Wear or damage in the valve body or spool inthe bowl circuit.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do the Blocked Circuit Tests 36 and 37 for thebowl circuit. If leakage is still too high, the problem is inthe bowl control valve. Inspect its components.PROBLEM: Down drift of bowl in Test 21 is more inthe RAISE position than in the HOLD position.PROBABLE REASON:Leakage in the scraper control valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do Blocked Circuit Test 36 for the bowl circuit. Ifleakage rate for the control valve is too high, check thebowl control valve.PROBLEM: Down drift of bowl in Test 21 is the samein the RAISE position as in the HOLDposition but more than the amountpermitted in the Service Manual for themachine under test.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the carry check valves.B. Leakage in the pistons seals in the bowlcylinders.C. Leakage in the scraper control valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do Blocked Circuit Tests 36 and 37 for bowlcircuit. If leakage is not found in control valve, doBlocked Components Tests 45 and 46. If leakage is stillnot found in bowl cylinders, the problem is in the carrycheck valves. Remove and inspect them for damage orwear. Replace parts as needed.PROBLEM: Percent of flow loss for Test 17 is morethan the percent shown in Chart B; forTests 15 and 16, it is less than or thesame as the percent shown on Chart B.PROBABLE REASON:A. Bad small pump, Chart C3.B. Excessive leakage in speed control valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do the Pump Test, Chart C3. If the largeramount of flow loss is not caused by the small pump, dothe Speed Control Valve Leakage Test 55.PROBLEM: Setting for the main relief valve is higheror lower than given in Test 10. Percentof flow loss for Tests15 through 17 is20% to 50%.PROBABLE REASON:Setting for main relief is not correct and leakageis too high.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Make adjustments to the main relief valve to getcorrect pressure. Make a test for leakage in theproblems that follow.4-41TM 5-3805-260-24
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