TM 5-3805-260-10
The Tractor-Scraper is a commercial elevating model with diesel engine, pneumatic tires, two axles, articulated steering,
two single driving front wheels and two single non-driving rear wheels. The Tractor-Scraper has a minimum heaped
capacity of eleven cubic yards and is equipped with power shift transmission.
The Tractor-Scraper shall withstand the usage encountered in military operations such as: self-loading, handling, dumping
and spreading soil, crossing rough terrain, fording streams, and negotiating steep longitudinal and slidehill slopes, without
damage. The Tractor-Scraper shall be capable of driving at maximum travel speed in transport, being towed by another
vehicle, limited towing of other equipment, and for airborne and air assault operations. The Tractor-Scraper shall be
capable of self-loading undistributed or recompacted soil to a heaped capacity in less that one minute.
MOS Requirements.
Operator. MOS 62E (Heavy Construction Equipment Repairer).
Organizational Maintenance. MOS 62B (Construction Equipment Repairer).
Direct/General Support (DS/GS) Maintenance. MOS 62B (Construction Equipment Repairer).
New Equipment Training. New Equipment Training Teams (NETTs) are available to major field commands.
Request for NETTs should be forwarded to Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), ATTN:
AMSTA-MLT, Warren, Ml 48397-5000. Training teams should be requested only when trained personnel are not
available in the command to operate and/or maintain the Tractor-Scraper.
Tank-Automotive Command Field Maintenance Technicians stationed at the receiving Installations will be fully
qualified and available to furnish on-site training and/or assistance concurrent with receipt of the Tractor-Scraper.
Assistance can be obtained by contacting the Logistics Assistance Office listed in Appendix B of AR 700-4,
Logistics Assistance Program.