TM 5-3805-260-10DESCRIPTIONThe Tractor-Scraper is a commercial elevating model with diesel engine, pneumatic tires, two axles, articulated steering,two single driving front wheels and two single non-driving rear wheels. The Tractor-Scraper has a minimum heapedcapacity of eleven cubic yards and is equipped with power shift transmission.OPERATIONAL CONCEPTThe Tractor-Scraper shall withstand the usage encountered in military operations such as: self-loading, handling, dumpingand spreading soil, crossing rough terrain, fording streams, and negotiating steep longitudinal and slidehill slopes, withoutdamage. The Tractor-Scraper shall be capable of driving at maximum travel speed in transport, being towed by anothervehicle, limited towing of other equipment, and for airborne and air assault operations. The Tractor-Scraper shall becapable of self-loading undistributed or recompacted soil to a heaped capacity in less that one minute.PERSONNEL AND TRAININGaMOS Requirements.(1)Operator. MOS 62E (Heavy Construction Equipment Repairer).(2)OrganizationalMaintenance. MOS 62B (Construction Equipment Repairer).(3)Direct/GeneralSupport(DS/GS)Maintenance. MOS 62B (Construction Equipment Repairer).b.New Equipment Training. New Equipment Training Teams (NETTs) are available to major field commands.Request for NETTs should be forwarded to Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM), ATTN:AMSTA-MLT, Warren, Ml 48397-5000. Training teams should be requested only when trained personnel are notavailable in the command to operate and/or maintain the Tractor-Scraper.LOGISTICS ASSISTANCEa.Tank-Automotive Command Field Maintenance Technicians stationed at the receiving Installations will be fullyqualified and available to furnish on-site training and/or assistance concurrent with receipt of the Tractor-Scraper.b.Assistance can be obtained by contacting the Logistics Assistance Office listed in Appendix B of AR 700-4,Logistics Assistance Program.A-3
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