TM5-3805-260-24SYSTEMS COMPONENTSElectric Warning SystemThe buzzer (3) is a warning of low air pressure. Thelow. air pressure indicator (6) makes a measurement ofair pressure in the brake air system. The low airpressure indicator is closed (current flows and the buzzersounds) when the air pressure is below approximately 60psi (415 k Pa). The buzzer is located under the dash.Electric Warning System1. Pin connector. 2. Ammeter. 3. Low air pressurewarning buzzer. 4. Circuit breaker. 5. Low airpressure indicator. 6. Starter switch.Air Compressor and TanksThe air compressor is belt driven by the engine. It isused to supply air pressure for the brakes. The aircompressor governor controls the pressure of operation.AIR COMPRESSOR1. Air compressor. 2. Air compressor governor.If the air pressure in the tanks is low, nothing willchange in the governor and the air compressor will sendair to the tanks. When the tank air pressure goes up tocutout pressure [125 + 5 psi (860 + 35 kPa)], it movesthe governor piston against its spring and lets air go fromthe governor to the compressor unloading valves.Compressed air pushed against the unloading valvesholds them open and stops the delivery of air from thecompressor.When the air pressure in the tanks drop to cut-inpressure [100 to 105 psi (690 to 725 kPa)], the force ofthe governor spring will return the governor piston andstop the flow of air from the air tanks to the compressorunloading valves. The compressor unloading valvesclose and the compressor will send air to the air tanks.RELIEF VALVEA relief value is used to prevent damage to the airsystem if the compressor governor should have a failure.The relief valve will open when the air pressure in the airtanks is approximately 150 psi (1030 kPa). Each air tankhas a drain valve in the front end of it.DRAIN VALVES.COMPONENTS OF THE CHECK VALVE1. Seat. 2. Valve. 3. Spring.2-132
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