TM 5-3805-260-24DIFFERENTIAL LOCK PEDAL ADJUSTMENTPEDAL ADJUSTMENT1. Differential lock pedal. A. Distance .75 In. (19.00mm). B. Valve stem movement .16 F .03 In. (4.1 i 0.8mm).1.Adjust the bolt on the bottom of pedal (I) so thereis a distance (A) of approximately .75 in. (19.0mm) between the bottom of the bolt head and thebottom of the shoulder on the pedals.2.With the pedal pushed down, adjust the bolt topermit a valve stem movement (B) of. 16 + .03 in.(4.1 + 0.8 mm).BRAKE CONTROL VALVE (LEAKAGE CHECK)Start the engine and let the air pressure go up.Push down on the brake pedal and hold it down. Putsoap suds on the air line connections at the air chambersand check for air leakage. Release the brake pedal. Putsoap suds on the exhaust passage of the brake controlvalve. Leakage must not be more than 1.00 in. (25.4mm) soap bubble in one minute. Correct any air leaks.BRAKE ADJUSTMENTCaliper disc hydraulic brakes need no adjustment.There is no return mechanism to force the pads awayfrom the discs. The pads are in slight contact all the timewith the discs to keep them clean.AIR IN THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEMTRACTOR AIR CHAMBER AND MASTER CYLINDER1. Air line. 2. Master cylinder. 3. Valve. 4. Oil line totractor brakes. 5. Air chamber. 6. Stroke indicator.SCRAPER AIR CHAMBER AND MASTER CYLINDER7. Master cylinder. 8. Air chamber. 9. Air line. 10. Oilline to scraper brakes. A1. Valve. 12. StrokeIndicator. 13. Quick release valve.Air in the hydraulic brake system cannot be detectedby brake pedal "feel." However, a stroke indicator oneach master cylinder will provide a means of detecting a"soft" pedal condition which will cause increased mastercylinder piston movement. If the movement of strokeindicators (6) and (12) is too much, check for hydraulicleaks or air in the system.NOTE: If the leak results from a damaged cup or seal,the hydraulic brake system may be contaminated. Drainthe brake fluid and flush the system with denaturedalcohol. the system is free of leaks, check for air. Bleedeach hydraulic brakes .system. See the topic, AIRREMOVAL FROM BRAKES (Bleeding the Brakes).2-152
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