TM 5-3805-260-24Current RecommendationUse nitrogen (N2) gas for all pneumatictires. Nitrogen not burn inside the tire.WARNINGCorrect nitrogen inflation (charging) equipment andtraining in its use are needed to prevent too muchpressure in a tire. A tire blowout or rim failure canresult from equipment that is not correct or is notcorrectly used.Also, the use of nitrogen instead of air in thetires, decreases the amount of tire deterioration. This isespecially important for tires that ha-e an expected longservice life (4 or more years). It also decreases thecorrosion of rim components, which decreasesdisassembly problems.The pressure of a full) charged nitrogen cylinderis approximatelI5 15000 kPa (2200 psi). This highpressure can cause a tire blovwout and or rim failure ifthe charging equipment is not used correctly. See TireInflation (Charging) With Nitrogen.Tire Inflation (Charging) With NitrogenWARNINGServicing and changing tires and rims can bedangerous. This work must be done only by trainedpersonnel with correct tools and procedures. Ifcorrect procedures are not followed while servicingtires and rims, the assemblies can burst withexplosive force and cause serious physical injury ordeath. Follow carefully the specific informationprovided by your tire servicing man or dealer.When tires are changed be sure to clean all rimparts. If necessary, paint the components to presentcorrosion. Sand blasting is recommended for removal ofrust. Check all components carefully and replace anycracked,bad) worn, damaged, severely rusted orcorroded parts with new partsof the same size and type. If there is any doubt,replace with new parts. Never rework, weld, heat orbraze any) rim components.The tires on these machines are inflated(charged) with nitrogen instead of air. Therecommendation is that nitrogen be used for pressureadjustments in a tire. See your tire dealer for the correcttire pressures for job conditions and for an) questionson nitrogen inflation.CORRECT POSITION FOR TIRE INFLATION(Behind the Tread)WARNINGA tire blowout or rim failure can occur during tire inflation.To prevent possible injury get next to (behind) the tread,as shown, when inflating a tire.Set the regulator of the nitrogen inflation equipment at nomore than 140 kPa (20 psi) over the correct tirepressure.CAUTIONUse only the 6V4040 Nitrogen Tire Inflation Groupto inflate tires from a nitrogen gas cylinder. SeeSpecial Instruction, Form Number SMHS7867 fortire inflation instructions.Use the same tire pressures for nitrogen inflationthat are used for air inflation. See the Operator’sManual for the shipping and operating pressures.2-156
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