TM 5-3805-260-244. Apply a small amount of silicone grease togrommet (57) and pull stator wires into statorhousing.5. Secure field coil/support assembly (55) withscrews (54).6. If removed, install diodes (53) in rectifierbridge (20).7. Secure suppression capacitor (51) withbracket (52) and screw (50).8. Install screws (48) and rectifier bridge (20)with insulator (49). Tighten screws (48) toa torque of 17. 8 to 22. 2 lb. in. (2. 0 to 2.5 N. m).9. Secure connector (21) to rectifier bridge(20) with screw (46) and washer (47).10. Install relay terminal (45), terminalinsulators (44, 43, 42), and nut (41).11. Attach connector (39) to relay terminal withnut (40).12Secure other end of connector (39) toregulator (20) with attaching nut.13. Install cap (38) over relay terminal.14. Install output terminal (36) with terminalinsulator (37), connector (35), bushing(34), washer (33). and screw (32).15. Install insulator (31) and nut (30) on outputterminal.16. Install washer (29), lockwasher (28), andnut (27) on output terminal.17. Secure regulator (18) with washers (26),lockwashers (25), and mounting screws(24).18. Connect field coil leads to regulator withscrew (23) and nut (22).19. Use nut to secure connector (21) toregulator.3-10
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