TM 5-3805-260-24AIR COMPRESSOR GOVERNORINSTALL AIR COMPRESSORGOVERNOR1. Put filters (3) in locations (I) and (2) in governorhousing (4).2. Install the plug in location (2) and the elbow inlocation (1) in governor housing (4).3. Install O-ring seals (6) on sleeve (9). Make sure thesmall grommet is in position inside of sleeve (9).4. Install spring (5), valve (10), sleeve (9), spring (7)and valve (8) in governor housing (4).5. Install grommet (14). spacer(17), grommet (13) onbolt (18). Install this assembly in spring (16). Installretainer (12), washer (15) and tighten adjustmentnut (II) over bolt (18) to the original position before itwas disassembled for correct spring tension.6. Install the spring assembly, ring (19) and cover (20)in governor housing (4).7Put governor housing (4), the spacer and twogaskets in position on the air compressor and installbolts (22) to hold it.8. Connect air line (21) to governor housing (4).NOTE: For more information on the air compressorand governor see AIR COMPRESSORS inVEHICLE SYSTEMS.3-13
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