TM 5-3805-260-24FUEL INJECTION PUMP HOUSING AND GOVERNORREMOVE FUEL INJECTION PUMP HOUSING ANDGOVERNORTools NeededAB3P1544Timing Pin15P2371Plate1S1616Bolt (1/4"-20 NC x 1" long)2Flat Washer 1/4"2start by:a) remove tachometer driveb) remove fuel injection lines and air inlet manifold1. Remove the vee belts from the front of the engine.2. Disconnect control cable (1) from the governor controllever.3. Remove bolt (2) from the governor housing.4. Turn the crankshaft clockwise, as seen from the front ofthe engine, until tool (A) can be installed in the groove(slot) in the fuel injection pump camshaft.5. Install tooling (B) into the camshaft drive gear for the fuelinjection pump. Turn the bolts evenly until the drive gearis free of the camshaft. Remove tooling (B).NOTE: If the engine is in time with the fuel injection pump, thecrankshaft need not be turned to install the bolt in Step 6.6. Remove plug (3) from the timing gear cover and install a5/16"-18 NC bolt 2 1/2 in. long. Cover bolt (4) can beused. Turn the crankshaft clockwise, as seen from thefront of the engine, until the bolt can be installed into thetiming gear and is in the center of the timing hole. Thecamshaft for the fuel injection pump is now in correcttime to the engine.7. Remove the two bolts and washers that hold the base ofthe fuel injection pump housing to the engine.8. Pull the fuel injection pump housing and governor out ofthe timing gear cover and remove the unit and fuel drain(bleed) lines.3-59
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