TM 5-3805-260-24
1. Vacuum pump or air compressor. 2. Cylinder head. 3. Front cover for the engine. 4. Oil manifold. 5.
Base for the oil cooler. 6. Oil pump bypass valve. 7. Oil cooler. 8. Oil pump. 9. Cover for oil pump. 10.
Suction bell for oil pump. 11. Oil cooler bypass valve. 12. Oil filter bypass valve. 13. Oil filters.
The lubrication system uses a six lobe, rotor type
oil pump (8). Bolts hold the cover for the oil pump (9) on
the front cover for the engine (3). The gear on the
crankshaft drives the outer rotor. The outer rotor has
rotation in a bearing in the front cover for the engine.
The inner rotor goes on a short shaft in the front cover
for the engine. The inner rotor is driven by the outer
Oil pump bypass valve (6), in the cover for the oil pump
(9), controls the pressure of the oil coming from oil pump
(8). The pump can put more oil into the system than
needed. When the pressure of the oil going into the
engine is more than 75 to 85 psi (520 to 590 kPa), the
bypass valve (6) will open. This permits the oil that is not
needed to bypass the system.