TM 5-3805-260-24COOLING SYSTEMCOOLING SYSTEM WITH STANDARD VERTICAL RADIATOR1. Radiator cap. 2. Radiator top tank. 3. Radiator top hose. 4. Shunt line. 5. Housing for watertemperature regulators. 6 Coolant to housing for water temperature regulators. 7. Cylinder heads (two).8. Vent tube. 9. Surge tank. 10. Inside bypass. 11. Radiator bottom tank. 12. Radiator bottom hose.13. Water pump.14. Outlet line for oil cooler. 15. 011 cooler. 16. Inlet line for oil cooler. 17. Cylinderblock. A. Orifices between cylinder heads and front cover. B. Orifice in oil cooler inlet.Water pump (13) is installed on the front face ofthe front cover for the engine and is driven by V beltsfrom the crankshaft pulley. The inlet opening of waterpump (13) is connected to radiator bottom hose (12).The outlet flow of coolant from water pump (13) goesthrough inside passages in the front cover for the engine.As the coolant goes from the water pump, itdivides and goes through the inside passages in the frontcover for the engine to cylinder block (17). Most of thecoolant goes through cylinder block (17) and up tocylinder heads (7). From cylinder heads (7) the coolantgoes forward through orifices (A) to the front cover forthe engine.Part of the coolant going to the left side (as seenfrom the flywheel) of cylinder block (17) goes throughorifice (B) to inlet line (16) and on to oil cooler (15), tocool the oil for lubrication of the engine, and back to thefront cover for the engine through outlet line (14).From the front cover for the engine, the coolanteither goes to the inlet for water pump (13) or to theradiator. If the coolant is cold (cool), the water tempera-ture regulators (18) will be closed. The coolant will gothrough inside bypass (10) to water pump(13). If the coolant is warm, the water temperatureregulators (18) will be open. When the watertemperature regulators (18) are open, they make arestriction in the inside bypass (10) and the coolant goesthrough radiator top hose (3) and into radiator top tank(2). Coolant then goes through the core of the radiator tothe radiator bottom tank (11) where it is again sentthrough the cool-FLOW OF COOLANT3. Radiator top hoses. 5. Housing ( watertemperature regulators). 6. Coolant tohousing for water regulators. 10. Insidebypass. 18. Water temperature regulators(two). C. Flow with warm coolant. D. Flowwith cold coolant.2-16
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