TM 5-3805-260-24VALVE OPENING PRESSURE (VOP)SPECIFICATIONS1500 to 2600 psi(10, 300 to 17, 690 kPa)III.Flush the Nozzle1.Close gauge protector valve (E).Close on-of valve (F). Open pumpisolator valve (G)NOTE: Make sure nozzle extends inside and below thetop of FT1384 Extension (R).2.Operate the pump rapidly for three fullstrokes.IV.Tip Leakage Test1.Remove all fuel from the nozzle tip andbody with a cloth.2.Put a clean cloth around the top of thebody of the fuel injection nozzle(pressure screw end) to take in theleakage and prevent any fuel leakageto drain down to the tip of the nozzle.CLOTH ON TOP OF NOZZLEE. Gauge protector valve. F. On-otff valve.G. Pump Isolator valve.3.Open gauge protector valve (E). Besure the nozzle tip is completely dry.4.Make and hold for 15 seconds apressure of 200 psi (1380 kPa) lessthan the opening pressure measuredin VOP Test II.5.If nozzle is not within specification, DONOT USE THE NOZZLE.TIP LEAKAGE SPECIFICATIONNo more than 20 drops can fall in 15 secondsV. Orifice Restriction Test1.Close gauge protector valve (E) and on-offvalve (F). Open pump isolator valve(G).2.Point the tip of the fuel injection nozzle intothe 8S2270 Fuel Collector andFT1384 Extension.3.Make a slow increase in pressure and lookat the orifice discharge pattern (shapeof discharge) when fluid begins to flowthrough the fuel injection nozzle. Thedischarge must be the same throughall four orifices. Any change, eithervertically or horizontally, is an indi-cation of a bad nozzle.GOOD NAZZLE(USE AGAIN)TYPICAL DISCHARGE PATTER FOR ORIFICEWITH A RESTRICTION(RECONDITIONING OR REPLACEMENTNECESSARY)TYPICAL DISCHARGE PATTERN WITHHORIZONTAL DISTORTION(RECONDITIONED OR REPLACEMENTNECESSARY)2-42
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