TM 5-3805-260-24SYMPTOMSCAUSEREMEDYgovernor is operating properly, replace theunloader pistons and plungers and inspecttheir bores in the cylinder block. Cleanlubricate as necessary. Inspect for bent,kinked or blocked tubing leading to or fromthe governor.G.Faulty compressor.G.Replace or repair the compressor afterdetermining none of the precedinginstallation defects exist.33. Compressor fails to unload.A.Faulty governor or A.Test the governor for proper operationgovernor installation.and inspect air lines to and from the gover-nor for kinks or restrictions. Replace orrepair the governor or its connecting airlines.B.Faulty or worn unloader.B.Inspect for worn, dirty or corroded unloaderpistons or bores pistons and their cylinder blockbores. Replace as necessary.34. Compressor leaks oil.A.Damaged mounting A.Check the compressor mounting boltgasket.torque. If the mounting bolt torque is low,replace the compressor mounting gasketbefore retorquing the mounting bolts.B.Cracked crankcase, B.Visually inspect the compressor exteriorcylinder block or endfor cracked or broken components. Crackedcover.or broken crankcases or mounting flangescan be caused by loose mounting bolts.The end cover can be cracked by over-torquing fitting or plugs installed in the endcover. Replace or repair the compressor asnecessary.C.Loose end cover or C.Check the cap screw torques and tightencylinder block cap necessary.D.Loose oil supply or returnD.Check the torque of external oil lineline fittings.fittings and tighten as necessary.E.Porous compressor E.Replace the compressor if porosity iscasting.found.F.Mounting flange or endF.Replace as necessary.cover, O-Ring or gasket-missing, cut, or damaged.35. Compressor constantly cyclesA.Leaking compressorA.Remove the compressor inlet air strainer(compressor remainsunloader pistons.or fitting. With the compressor unloadedunloaded for a very short(not compressing air), check for airtime.)leakage around the unloader pistons.Replace as necessary.B.Faulty governor.B.Test the governor for proper operation andrepair or replace as necessary.C.Excessive system.C.Test for excessive system leakage asleakage.instructed in Symptom 32, Remedy E.Reduce leakage wherever possible.D.Excessive reservoirD.Drain reservoirs.contaminants.2-37
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