TM 5-3805-260-24SYMPTOMSCAUSEREMEDYB.Compressor cylinder head B.Inspect the compressor discharge port andhead discharge linedischarge line for carbon build-up. If detected, check for proper cooling to thecompressor. (See Cause and Remedy (D)under Symptom #30.) Inspect the dischargeline for kinks and restrictions. Replacedischage line as necessary.C.Worn or burned outC.Check for proper oil pressure in thebearings.compressor. Minimum required oil pres-sure; 5 psi engine idling, 15 psi maximumgoverned engine rpm. Check for excessiveoil temperature-should not exceed 240° F.D. Faulty compressor.D. Replace or repair the compressor afterdetermining none of the preceding installa-tion defects exist.32. Excessive build-up andA. Dirty induction air filter.A. Inspect engine or compressor air filter andrecovery time. Compressorreplace if necessary.should be capable of buildingB. Restricted induction line.B. Inspect the compressor air induction line forair system from 85-100 psi in for kinks and restrictions and40 seconds with engine atreplace as necessary.full governed rpm. Minimumcompressor performance isC. Restricted discharge lineC. Inspect the compressor discharge port andcertified to meet Federalor compressor dischargeline for restrictions and carbon build-up.requirements by the vehicleactivity.If a carbon build-up is found, check formanufacturer. Do notproper compressor cooling.down size the originalReplace faulty sections of the dischargeequipment compressor.line.D. Slipping drive D. Check the condition of drive belts and replacecomponents.or tighten, whichever is appropriate.E. Excessive air systemE. Test for excessive system leakage and necessary. Use the following as a guide:Build system pressure to governor cutoutand allow the pressure to stabilize for oneminute. Using the dash guage, note thesystem pressure and the pressure drop aftertwo minutes.The pressure drop should not exceed:1.2 psi in each reservoir for a singlevehicle.2.6 psi in each reservoir for a tractor andtrailer.3.8 psi in each reservoir for a tractor and 2trailers.F.Sticking unloader pistonsF.Check the operation of the unloadingand plungers.pistons in the inlet cavity of the com-pressor. Both pistons should have theplunger flanges resting on the inlet cavityfloor when the compressor is loaded(pumping air). If the pistons and plunger arenot fully retracted, check for proper opera-tion of the compressor air governor. If the2-36
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