TM 5-3805-260-24SYMPTOMSCAUSEREMEDYC.Poorly filtered inlet air.C.Check for damaged, defective or dirty air filteron engine. Check for leaking, damaged ordefective compressor air intake components(i.e., induction line, fittings, gaskets, filterbodies, etc).D.Insufficient compressorcooling (compressor runsD.For air-cooled portions of the compressor:hot).1.Remove accumulated grease, grime, ordirt from the cooling fins. Replacecomponents found damaged.2.Check for damaged cooling fins. Replacecomponents found damaged.E.Contaminants not beingE.Check reservoir drain valves to insure thatregularly drained fromthey are functioning properly. It is recom-system reservoirs.mended that the vehicle should be equippedwith functioning automatic drain valves, orhave all reservoirs drained to zero (0) psidaily, ’or optimally to be equipped with adesiccant-type air dryer prior to the reservoirsystem.F.Compressor runs loadedF.Vehicle system leakage should not exceedan excessive amount ofindustry standards of 1 psi pressure droptime.per minute without brakes applied, and 3psi pressure drop per minute with brakesapplied. If leakage is excessive, check forsystem leaks and repair.G.Excessive engine G.Test for excessive engine crankcasecrankcase pressure.pressure and replace or repair crankcaseventilation components as necessary. (Anindication of crankcase pressure is a looseor partially lifted dipstick.)H.Excessive engine oilH.Check the engine oil pressure with a testpressure.gauge and compare the reading to theengine specifications. Bendix does notrecommend restricting the compressor oilsupply line because of the possibility ofplugging the restriction with oilcontaminants. Minimum oil supply line sizeis 1/4" O.D. tubing.I.Faulty compressor.I.Replace or repair the compressor only aftermaking certain none of the precedinginstallation defects exist.31. Noisy compressor operations.A.Loose pulley.A.Inspect the fit of pulley on the compressor crankshaft. The pulley must be completely seated andthe crankshaft nut must be tight. If the com-pressor crankshaft surface or its keyway aredamaged, it is an indication of loose drive com-ponents. If damage to the compressor crankshaftis detected, replace the compressor or thecrankshaft. When installing pulley, torque thecrankshaft nut to 100 foot pounds. DO NOTBACK OFF THE CRANKSHAFT NUT TO ALIGNTHE COTTER PIN AND CASTELLATED NUT.DO NOT USE IMPACT WRENCHES.2-35
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