TM 5-3805-260-241717.ENGINE HAS EARLY WEARCauseCorrectionDirt in Lubrication OilRemove dirty lubrication oil. Install a new oil filter element. Put clean oil in theengine.Air Inlet LeaksInspect all gaskets and connections. Make repairs if leaks are found.Fuel Leakage IntoThis will cause high fuel consumption and low engine oil pressure.Lubrication OilMake repairs if leaks are found. Install new parts where needed.18.COOLANT IN LUBRICATION OILCauseCorrectionFailure of Oil Cooler CoreInstall a new core for the oil cooler.Failure of Cylinder HeadInstall a new cylinder head gasket. Tighten the bolts holding theGasketcylinder head, according to the Specifications.Crack or Defect in CylinderInstall a new cylinder head.HeadCrack or Defect in CylinderInstall a new cylinder block.BlockFailure of Front CoverInstall a new front cover gasket.Gasket19.TOO MUCH BLACK OR GRAY SMOKECauseCorrectionNot Enough Air ForCheck air cleaner for restrictions. [Max. 25 in. (635 mm) ofCombustionwater].Bad Fuel Injection Nozzle(s)Install new fuel injection nozzle(s).Wrong Fuel Injection TimingMake adjustment to timing.20. TOO MUCH WHITE OR BLUE SMOKECauseCorrectionToo Much Lubrication Oil inRemove extra oil. Find where extra oil comes from. Put correctEngineamount of oil in engine. Do not put too much oil in engine.Misfiring or Running RoughMake reference to ITEM 2.Wrong Fuel Injection TimingMake adjustment to timing.Worn Valve GuidesReconditioning of cylinder head is needed.Worn Piston RingsInstall new parts as necessary.Defect in Timing AdvanceReplacement of timing advance unit is needed.Unit2-30
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