TM 5-3805-260-2428.28. ALTERNATOR HAS NOISECauseCorrectionDrive Belt For Alternator isInstall a new drive belt for the alternator.Worn or Has A DefectLoose Alternator DriveCheck key groove in pulley for wear. If groove is worn, install aPulleynew pulley. Tighten pulley nut according to Specifications.Drive Belt and Drive PulleyMake an adjustment to put drive belt and drive pulley in correctFor Alternator Are Not inalignment.AlignmentWorn Alternator BearingsInstall new bearings in the alternator.29. EXHAUST TEMPERTATURE IS TOO HIGHCauseCorrectionAir Inlet or Exhaust SystemRemove restriction.Has A RestrictionWrong Fuel Injection TimingMake an adjustment to the timing.COMPRESSOR TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSYMPTOMSCAUSEREMEDY30. Compressor passes excessiveA.Restricted air intake.A.Check engine air cleaner and replace if neces-oil as evidenced by presencesary. Check compressor air inlet line for kinks,of oil at exhaust ports ofexcessive bends and be certain inlet lines havevalving or seeping from airthe minimum specified inside diameter.strainer.Recommended minimum inlet line insidediameter is 5/8". Recommended maximumair inlet restriction is 25" of water.B.Restricted oil returnB.Oil return to the engine should not be in(to engine).any way restricted. Check for excessivebends, kinks, and restrictions in the oilreturn line. Minimum recommended oilreturn line size is 5/8" O.D. tubing orequivalent I.D. (1/2" minimum). Return linemust CONSTANTLY DESCEND from thecompressor to the engine crankcase. Makecertain oil drain passages in the compressorand mating engine surfaces areunobstructed and aligned. Special caremust be taken when sealants are used with,or instead of, gaskets.2-34
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