TM 5-3805-260-24AIR INLET INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEMRESTRICTION OF AIR INLETAND EXHAUSTThere will be a reduction of horsepower andefficiency of the engine if there is a restriction in the airinlet or exhaust system.Air flow through the air cleaner must not have arestriction of more than 25 in. (635 mm) of waterdifference in pressure.Back pressure from the exhaust (pressuredifference measurement between exhaust outlet elbowand atmosphere) must not be more than 34 in. (864mm) of water.MEASUREMENT OF EXHAUSTTEMPERATURESUse the lP3060 Pyrometer Group to checkexhaust temperature. Special Instruction Form No.SMHS7179 is the tool group and gives instructions forthe test procedure.1P3060 PYROMETER GROUPCYLINDER COMPRESSIONAn engine that runs rough can have a leak at valves, orvalves that need adjustment. Run the en{ at the speedthat gives rough running. To find a cylinder that has lowcompression or does not have good ignition, loosen afuel line nut at a fuel injection pump. This will stop theflow of fuel to that cylinder. Do for each cylinder until aloosened fuel line is found makes no difference in enginerough running. Be sure to tighten each fuel line nut afterthe test before the next fuel line nut is loosened. Thistest can also be indication that the fuel injection is wrong,so more checking of the cylinder will be needed.An analysis of the engine cylinder condition canbe done with controlled pressure air through the cylinderhead. Special Instruction GMG00694 explains theprocedure.1.Remove the fuel injection nozzle.2.Adapt an air hose to 1P5564 Adapter. Install1P5564 Adapter in the fuel injectionnozzle opening in the cylinder head.3.Start crankshaft rotation until the piston inthe cylinder being inspected is at TC on thecompression stroke. In this position thevalves of this cylinder will be against theirseats.4.Force the air into the cylinder and thencheck air leakage. An air leak from theexhaust opening is an indication of exhaustvalve leakage and leak from the air cleanerinlet is an indication of intake valve leakage.If the air leakage is into crankcase duringthis test, the piston or piston rings can bethe cause.VALVE CLEARANCE SETTINGCheck and adjust valve clearance with enginestopped.Valve clearance is measured with a thicknessgauge between the top of the valve stem and the rockerarm.VALVE CLEARANCE CHECK: ENGINE STOPPEDExhaust.......022 to .028 In.(0.56 to .71mm)Intake..........012 to .018 in.(0.30 to 0.46mm)NOTE: When the valve lash (clearance) is checkedadjustment is NOT NECESSARY if the measure is in therange given in the chart for VALVE CLEARANCECHECK: ENGINE STOPPED. If the measurement isoutside this range, adjustment is necessary. See thechart for VALVE CLEARANCE SETTING ENGINESTOPPED, and make the setting to the nominal(desired) specifications in this chart.VALVE CLEARANCE SETTING: ENGINE STOPPEDExhaust.......025in. (0.64 mm)Intake..........015 in. (0.38 mm)To check and make adjustment to the valve lash theprocedure that follows:1. Remove the valve covers.2-65
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