TM 5-3805-260-24ference of 0.050 mm or more, do the Steps 15 through19, .ADJUSTING FUEL PUMP CALIBRATION.NOTE: The mechanic doing the checking must makethe decisions of which and how many pumps to checkaccording to the symptoms of the fuel injection pumpbeing tested.14.If dial indicator (4) readings for all thepumps are within the limits in Step 13, thecalibration is acceptable. Remove the tooling,and install the parts which were removed.NOTE: For troubleshooting purposes, if the dial indicator(4) reading is "0" or near "0", the calibration of the otherpumps is probably in the tolerance.Adjustment of Fuel Pump Calibration15.Remove all pumps with 8S2243 Wrench.16.Clean the barrel and plunger of calibrationpump (1). Put clean diesel fuel on thecalibration pump (1) for lubrication.17.Install calibration pump (1) in the place ofone of the pumps according to theprocedure in Step 9.18. Loosen bolt (26) with 1S9836 Wrench (8) or5P4206 Wrench. Turn the lever (18) onshaft (24) enough to move the top of plunger(28) of calibration pump (1) below topsurface (27) of calibration pump (1).Tightenbolt (26) just enough for lever (18) to holdplunger (28) stationary.5P4206 WRENCH18. Lever. 26. Bolt. A. 5P4206 Wrench.NOTE: When bolt (26) has the correct torque, pushingwith a small amount of force on lever (18) through thewrench moves plunger (28) up in calibration pump (1).19. Move shaft (24) toward the governor to re-move end play. Then push down on lever(18).through the wrench until top of plunger (28)is almost even with top surface (27) ofcalibration pump (1) as shown.PLUNGER POSITION1. Calibration pump. 27. Top surface of calibrationpump.28. Plunger.20.Check dial indicator (4) according to Step10. Then put dial indicator (4) in place over the center ofcalibration pump (1) and hold it there tightl5. Now moveplunger (28) of calibration pump (1) by pushing on lever(18) through the wrench. Stop moving the plunger whenthe dial indicator is at approximately 0.009 mm past"0.000". Tighten bolt (26) to 24 + 2 lb. in. (2.8 + 0.2Nm).NOTE: When Moving plunger (28), make sure that thelast direction of plunger (28) movement is in the updirection. If plunger (28) goes up too far, move plunger(28) down to a position below that desired. Then moveplunger (28) up to the desired positionNOTE: The action of tightening bolt (26) usuallychanges the reading on dial indicator (4) by ap-proximately (0.010 mm) in the minus direction.+ 0.010 mm CALIBRATION TOLERANCEMove shaft (24) toward shutoff several times toremove clearance in the linkage. Dial indicator (4)2-62
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