TM 5-3805-260-24NOTE: If locknut (22) on the 3P2226 Collet is too tight, itcan cause interference in the operation of the dialindicator.6V190 CLAMP INSTALLED24. Shaft. 25. 6V190 Clamp.Put 6V190 Clamp (25) in the position shown,next to the transfer pump end. Clamp (25)pushes shaft (24) down against the bottom of itsbearing. The other end of shaft (24) is helddown against its bearing by 3P1546 CalibrationPin (7) which is held b) 8S7271 Screw (11). Thecombination of forces from clamp (25) andcalibration pin (7) is necessary to hold shaft (24)in its normal operating position against the liftingforce from the spring in calibration pump (1).DIAL INDICATOR POSITION4. 3P1568 Dial Indicator with 3P2226 Collet. 25Clamp.NOTE: When checking pumps on the "slave" side [sideopposite from governor control lever (16)], put clamp(25) on both ends of sleeve shaft as shown. Put dialindicator (4) on the calibration pump (1) as shown. Holdit tightly in place. Move shaft (24) toward the governorend to remove end play. To remove any clearance in thelink- age, lift the crossover lever dowel and rapidly let itgo. Do this several times. Then look at the reading onthe dial indicator (4).INSTALLING CLAMP ON "SLAVE" SIDE25. 6V190 Clamps.13.If the dial indicator (4) reading is more than+0.050 mm from "0.000" (outside theTOTAL TOLERANCE).do steps 17 through20, ADJUSTING FUEL, PUMPCALIBRATIONDIAL INDICATOR READINGDesired reading for all pumps is "0.000"Maximum permissible tolerance for pump readings inany FUEL INJECTION PUMP GROUP is 0.100 mm(-0.050 to -0.050 mm on dial indicator).Maximum permissible differences between any twopumps in the same FUEL INJECTION PUMP GROUP is0.050 mm.TOTAL TOLERANCE shows the maximum permissiblerange of pointer positions which are acceptable. If anyreading Is outside the range of TOTAL TOLERANCE, doADJUSTING FUEL PUMP CALIBRATION for all pumps.BAND is an example only. It shows a 0.050 mm range.This range shows the maximum permissible differencebetween any two readings for all the pumps. If any tworeadings are farther apart than the 0.050 mm range, doADJUSTING FUEL PUMP CALIBRATION for all pumps.If the dial indicator (4) reading is near either end of theTOTAL TOLERANCE, check another pump. If the nextreading is outside the TOTAL TOLERENCE or if the tworeadings have a dif-2-61
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