TM 5-3805-260-244.Install the 5P4226 Adapter (7). Fasten it inposition with a 11D4533 Bolt (5) and a1D4538 Bolt (6).5.Adjust lows idle screw (8) to position lever(9) to .35 + .04 in. (8.0 + 1.0 mm) fromgovernor housing boss.6.Loosen the bolts that hold sleeve levers (A)and slide levers (A) out of the way.5P4209 GAUGE INSTALLED11. Crossover lever. 12. Dowel pin. 13. 5P4209Gauge.7.Loosen the bolts that hold crossoverlever (10) and (11) and move lever (10)off dowel pin(12).ADJUSTMENT OF CROSSOVERLEVERS13. Gauge. 14. Shall. 15. Shaft. 16. 5P4206 Wrench.8.Put gauge (13) on shafts (14) and (15), putcrossover lever (11) in a position so dowelpin (12) will fit in gauge hole. Hold gauge(13) down and torque the bolt that holdscrossover lever (1) to 24 + 2 lb. in. (2.8 +0.2 Nm).9.Check adjustment again with the 5P4209Gauge (13). Put gauge (13) on shafts (14and 15), slide gauge toward crossover lever(11) to engage dowel pin (12) into hole ingauge (13).10. If dowel pin ( 12) must be lifted to go intogauge, the lever must be adjusted again. Ifgauge (13) is lifted, a maximum of .008 in.(0.20 mm).clearance is acceptable under one side ofgauge (13). Use a feeler gauge to checkclearance.11. Slide crossover lever (10) on to dowel pin(12). Torque the bolt that holds crossoverlever (10) to 24 +2 lb. in. (2.8 +0.2 Nm).TIGHTENING BOLT10. Crossover lever. 12. Dowel pin. 16. Wrench.12.Check the adjustment again with the5P4209 Gauge.NOTE: After the adjustment of the crossover levers iscompleted, all of the fuel injection pumps mustbe calibrated. See FUEL PUMP .FUEL PUMP CALIBRATIONTools Needed:Tool Group.8S2243 Wrench*.5P4226 Adapter’5P4205 Wrench’5P4206 Wrench"*1D4533 Bolt1D4538 Bolt*8S7271 Screw*5P7253 Socket Assembly*6V190 Clamp***Part of 5P4203 Tool Group**Not part of a Tool GroupNOTE: 3P1540 Calibration pump must have the5P6557 Spring installed instead of the IP7377Spring.Checking Fuel Pump CalibrationThe following procedure for fuel pump calibration can bedone with the housing for the fuel injection pumps eitheron or off the engine.CAUTIONBefore any service work is done on this fuelsystem, the outside of the injection pumphousing and all parts connected to it must beclean.2-58
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