TM 5-3805-260-2422. Turn the crankshaft. slow, in a counter clock-wise direction. Do this until the ]low, of fuelfrom the end of tube assembly (9) is 12 to 18drops per minute.23. Stop rotation of the crankshaft *when the flow offuel is 12 to 18 drops per minute. Take areading of the measurement on dial indicator(3).24. To check for correct timing of the fuel system,make a comparison of the reading on dialindicator (3) with the correct measurement inthe chart. Timing must be set within - I" ofcorrect timing angle.TIMINGANGLEINDICATOR READING16’127 In. 3 23mmNOTE: If the timing of the fuel system is differentthan the correct timing dimension given in the chart,see the subject CHECKING TIMING BY TIMING PINMETHOD.Checking Automatic Timing Advance Unit By TimingLight MethodTools Needed:1P3500 Injection Timing Group or2P8280 Injection Timing GroupEither group can be used to check the automatictiming advance.1P3500 INJECTION TIMING GROUPNOTE: When either of these injection timing groupsis used, the cap from the 9N3979 Nozzle Assemblymust be removed. This will let fuel bleed from thecap end of the nozzle, and will maintain linepressure in the normal range.CAUTIONDo not use the engine in service with the capremoved from the nozzle. The fuel will draininto the crankcase and the result will be thinoil (oil dilution). Also a new 1H1023 Sealmust be used when the cap is installed.FUEL SETTINGTools Needed:5P4203 Field Service Tool GroupThe procedure that follows for fuel setting can bedone with the housing for the fuel injection pumpseither on or off the engine.REMOVAL OF COVER1. Shut-off solenoid. 2. Cover.CAUTIONBefore any service work is done on this fuel system,the outside of the housing for the fuel injectionpumps and all parts connected to it must beespecially clean.1Remove shut-off solenoid (1) and cover (2).2. Put the 5P298 Zero Set Pin (5), with 17.8507 on it,in the pump housing.INSTALLATION OF COVER3. 5P4226 Adapter. 4. 3J6956 Spring. 5. 5P298 ZeroSet Pin, with 17.8507 on it.2-53
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