TM 5-3805-260-245.Putt the 8S7271 Screw (4) (Setscrew) inthe hole over calibration pin (3). Tightenthe setscrew (4) to 20 to 25 lb. in. (2.3 to2.8N m) with the 2P8264 Socket.6.Adjust low idle screw (8) to position lever(9) to .35 + .04 in. (8.0 + 1.0 mm) fromgovernor housing boss.CROSSOVER LEVERS10. Crossover lever. 11. Crossover lever. 12. Dowelpin. A. Sleeve levers.7.Loosen the bolts that hold sleeve levers (A)and slide levers (A) out of the way.INSTALLING 5P4209 GAUGE13. 5P4209 Gauge. 14. Shaft. 15. Shaft.8.Put gauge (13) on shafts (14) and (15).Slide gauge (13) toward crossover levers(10) and (II) until dowel pin (12) goes intohole in gauge (13).9.If dowel pin (12) must be lifted to go into thehole in gauge (13), the levers must beadjusted. See ADJUSTMENT OFCROSSOVER LEVERS.10.If gauge (13) must be lifted more than .008in. (0.20 mm) to let dowel pin (12) go intothe hole in gauge (13), see ADJUSTMENTOF CROSSOVER LEVERS.11.To check the maximum clearance of .008in. (.020 mm) that is acceptable under oneside of gauge (13), hold the center and oneside of gauge (13) against sleeve levershaft (15). Use a feeler gauge to checkclearance. Torque for bolts that holdsleeve levers (A) is 24 + 2 lb. in. (2.8 + 0.2N-m).CHECKING CLEARANCE OF CROSSOVER LEVER13. 5P4209 Gauge. 16. Feeler gauge.NOTE: .After the checking of the crossover levers iscomplete, the trio fuel injection pumps must be calibratedwhere sleeve Ievers been moved to install 5P4209Gauge. See FUEL PUMP CALIBRATION.Adjustment of Crossover Levers1.Remote the fuel shutoff solenoid ( ) topcover (2) of the fuel pump housing and thecover over the torque control group.2.Remote the fuel that is in the injection pumphousing and the governor housing.3.Put the 3P1546 Calibration Pin (3) incalibration hole.CROSSOVER LEVERS10. Crossover lever.11. Crossover lever.12. Dowelpin.A. Sleeve levers.2-57
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