TM 5-3805-260-248S4627 CIRCUIT TESTER14.Make a comparison of this reading and the fuelsetting in the RACK SETTING INFORMATION.15.If the reading on dial indicator (8) is not correct,do the following.Load Stop Adjustmenta.Use wrench (18) and loosen locknut (19).ADJUSTMENT OF FUEL SETTING16. Screwdriver. 17. Adjustment screw. 18. Wrench.b.Use screwdriver (16) to turn adjustmentscrew (17) until the reading on dial indicator(8) is the same as the dimension given inthe RACK SETTING INFORMATION.c.When the adjustment is correct, tightenlocknut (19). Check the adjustment againby doing Steps II through 15 again.d. Remove the test tools. Install cover (2) andshut-off solenoid (1).ADJUST I MNT SCREW FOR FUEL SETTING17. Adjustment screw. 19. Locknut. 20 Load stoppin.Leaf Type Torque Springa.Write down the dimension that is on dialindicator (8).b.Write down the dimension given in theRACK SETTING IN’FORMATION.c.Remove the test tools [adapter (3), spring(4), and dial indicator (8)] from the housingfor fuel injection pumps.LEAF TYPE TORQUE SPRING12. Location of shims. 13. Stop bar. 14. Leaf typetorque spring. 15. Load stop pin.d.Install or remove shims at location (12) toget the correct dimension as given in theRACK SETTING INFORMATION. Thedifference between the dimensions in (a)and (b) is the thickness and amount ofshims to remove or install to get the correctsetting.e. Install the correct amount of shims (12)torque spring (14), and stop bar (13) on thehousing for the fuel injection pumps.2-55
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