TM 5-3805-260-24A 5P3519 Piston Ring Grove Gauge is available forchecking ring grooves with straight sidesNOTE: The 5P3519 Piston Ring Groove Gauge is usedto check the top ring groove only.PISTON RING GROOVE GAUGECONNECTING ROD AND MAIN BEARBearings are available with a smaller inside diameterthan the original size bearings. These bearings are forcrankshafts that have been "ground” (made smaller thanthe original size). Main bearings are available with alarger outside diameter than the original size bearings.These bearings are for cylinder blocks that have had thebore main bearings "bored" (made larger than theoriginal size).FLYWHEEL AND FLYWHEEL HOUSIN(Tools Needed:8S2328 Dial Indicator Group.Heat the ring gear to install it. Do not heat to morethan 400 F (204 C). Install the ring gear so the chamferon the gear teeth is next to the pinion when the flywheelis installed.Face Runout (axial eccentricity) of theFlywheel HousingIf any method other than given here is used, alwaysremember bearing clearances must moved to get correctmeasurements.1.Fasten a dial indicator to the crankshaft flangeso the anvil of the indicator will touch face of theflywheel housing.2.Force the crankshaft to the rear before readingthe indicator at each point.8S2328 DIAL INDICATOR GROUP3.With the dial indicator set at .000 in. at location(A), turn the crankshaft and read the indicator atlocations (B), (C) and (D).4.The difference between lower andmeasurements taken at all four points must notbe more than .010 in. (0.25 mm), which is themaximum permissible face runout (axialeccentricity) of the flywheel housing.CHECKING FACE RUNOUT OF THEFLYWHEEL HOUSINGA. Bottom. B. Right side. C. Top. D. Left side.2-73
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