TM 5-3805-260-24Alternator Regulator (Prestolite)The regulator components are sealed in aninsulation of epoxy. The regulator is an electroniccomponent with no moving parts (solid state) and anadjustment screw (1) on the back. This voltageadjustment screw is used to meet different operatingneeds at different times of the year. An increase ordecrease by .5 volts from the normal setting is made byremoving the regulator changing the position of theadjustment screw washer. An increase to the voltage willbe mad moving the screw and washer to the "H" position(2).ALTERNATOR REGULATOR1. Adjustment screw with washer. 2. High outputposition. 3. Orange wire to battery. 4. Low outputposition. 5. Green wire to field terminal of the alter-nator (F).Alternator Regulator (Delco-Remy)The voltage adjustment screw for the later alternatoris located under the end plate.To adjust the voltage setting, use the followprocedure:1.Remove end plate (2) and cover (3) fromalternator.2.Remove the rubber sealant from the adjustmentscrew (4).ALTERNATOR1. Adjustment screw under plug (earlier regulator).2. End plateLOCATION OF COVER3. CoverALTERNATOR REGULATOR4.Voltage adjustment screw. 5. Field wire. 6.Transistor pins3.Use a voltmeter to measure alternator voltoutput.4.Turn adjustment screw (4) counterclockwise tolower the voltage setting. Turn adjustmentscrew (4) clockwise to raise the voltage setting.2-77
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