TM 5-3805-260-24TRANSMISSION LUBRICATION SYSTEMTRANSMISSION LUBRICATION SYTEM1.Case for output transfer4. Case for input transfer6. Lubrication relief valve.10. Screen.gears.gears.7. Pressure section of oil11. Torque converter2.Transmission hydraulic5. Scavenge section of oilhousing.controls.pump.8. Magnetic strainer.12. Oil cooler.3.Oil filter for transmission.9. Transmission case.The oil for the operation and lubrication of thetransmission is made available by the pressure section(7) of the oil pump. The scavenge section (5) of the oilpump sends oil from the reservoir of torque converterhousing to the reservoir for the transmission. The twosection pump is turned by a drive gear which is engagedwith a gear that is fastened to the impeller of the torqueconverter.The reservoir of the torque converter is in the bottomof torque converter housing (11). The reservoir for thetransmission is in the bottom of case for output gears (I).The oil is pulled by’ pressure section (7) of the oilpump to the magnetic strainer (8) Which separatesforeign material from the pump inlet oil. The oil goes tothe pump through an external line. The oil goes from thepump through oil filter (3) to the transmission hydrauliccontrols (2). If there is a restriction in the oil filter, or ifthe viscosity of the oil is very high, the bypass valve inthe housing of oil filter (3) A ill open. This action lets theoil go past the filter element to the transmission hydrauliccontrols.Valves in the transmission hydraulic controls send theoil to the clutches in the transmission and to the torqueconverter. Oil that is not needed to fill the clutches issent into the torque converter. From the torqueconverter, the oil goes through an oil cooler (12) to thelubrication relief valve (6) on the output transfer gearcase. The lubrication relief valve prevents too highpressure oil from going to the planetary transmission.2-88
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