TM 5-3805-260-24Most all the components inside the planetarytransmission turn when the controls are in eachFORWARD or REVERSE speed. Only thesecomponents that have been made dark in theillustrations that follow are used in the flow of powerthrough the transmission.FIRST SPEED FORWARDT99750POWER FLOW THROUGH TRANSMISSIONIN FIRST SPEED FORWARD(No. 3 and No. 6 Clutches Engaged.)The No. 3 clutch ring gear is held stationary. Thiscauses the No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 carriers and No. 6clutch to turn. Since the No. 6 clutch is engaged, torqueis sent to the No. 6 clutch gear and output shaft.SECOND SPEED FORWARDThe No. 3 clutch ring gear is held stationary. Thiscauses the No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 carriers to rotate.The No. 5 clutch ring gear is held stationary by theengaged No. 5 clutch. The No. 5 planet gears turnaround the inside of the No. 5 clutch ring gear drivingthe No. 5 sun gear which in turn drives the No. 6 clutchgear and output shaft.POWER FLOW THROUGH TRANSMISSIONIN SECOND SPEED FORWARD(No. 3 and No. 5 Clutches Engaged.)THIRD SPEED FORWARDPOWER FLOW THROUGH TRANSMISSIONIN THIRD SPEED FORWARD(No. 3 and No. 4 Clutches Engaged.)The No. 3 clutch ring gear is held stationary by theNo. 3 clutch. The No. 4 clutch ring gear is heldstationary by the No. 4 clutch. The No. 3 sun geardrives the No. 3 planet gears which turn around theinside of the No. 3 clutch ring gear to rotate the No. 3carrier. The No. 4 planet gears are driven around theinside of the stationary No. 4 clutch ring gear and drivethe No. 4 sun gear, No. 6 clutch gear and output shaft.FOURTH SPEED FORWARDThe No. 1 clutch holds the No. 2 carrier to the inputshaft which causes the No. 2 and No. 3 ring gears,carriers, and carrier ring gears to turn at transmissioninput speed. The rotation of the No. 3 and No. 4carriers send torque to the No. 4 ring gear and sun gear.When the No. 5 ring gear is held stationary by the No. 5clutch, torque is sent by the No. 4 and No. 5 sun gearsto the output shaft.2-86CLUTCH NO.OPERATIONNo 1Forward Direction (fourthspeed)No 2Reverse DirectionNo. 3Forward DirectionNo. 4Third SpeedNo. 5Second and FourthSpeedsNo 6First Speed
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