TM 5-3805-260-24DIFFERENTIAL AND BEVEL GEARDIFFERENTIAL1. Pinion shaft. 2. Pinions (four). 3. Bevelgear. 4. Spider. 5. Side gears (two).The gear on the transmission output shaft is engagedwith the transfer output shaft gear which sends powerthrough universal joints to the drive shafts. The driveshafts are connected with splines to the pinion shaft (1).The pinion shaft turns the bevel gear (3) which isfastened to the differential case. The differential casecontains four pinions (2), installed on a spider (4), andtwo side gears (5). The four pinions are engaged at rightangles with the two side gears. The side gears areconnected with splines to the inner ends of the driveaxles.The differential makes the torque equal that goes toboth drive wheels. When one wheel is turning slowerthan the other, as in a turn, the differential permits theinside wheel to stop or slow in relation to the outsidewheel.When the machine is moving straight ahead withequal traction under each drive wheel, equal torque oneach axle stops the pinions (2) so they will not turn onthe spider (4). This gives the same action as if bothdrive wheels were locked on the same driving axle.When loads that are not equal are put on the drivewheels, as in a turn, forces that are not equal are put onopposite sides of the differential causing the pinions (2)to turn. When the pinions are turning, the inside wheelslows or stops and increases the turning of the outsidewheel. This action causes the machine to be driven withfull power in a turn.The hubs of the differential cases are installed on thedifferential carrier with tapered roller bearings. Thepinions (2) turn on hardened steel bearings. Both thepinions (2) and side gears (5) turn against thrust washerswhich take the end thrust against the differential case.The differential gets lubrication from oil thrown aboutby the moving parts. Flat surfaces on the spider permitpassage of oil for lubrication to the pinion bearings andthe thrust washers.2-96
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