TM 5-3805-260-24Air Chambers and Master CylindersThe brake system for the tractor has one air chamberand one hydraulic brake master cylinder. The brakesystem for the scraper has one air chamber and onehydraulic brake master cylinder.The air chambers activate the pistons of the hydrau-lic brake master cylinders. Compressed air in air cham-ber (A) is pushed against diaphragm (B) to move the airchamber rod (D) out. When the rod is moved out, it willpush on the back of piston (E). The diaphragm and rodare pushed back by spring (C) when the air pressure isreleased.NOTE: The valves (3) and (11) let about 3 to 6 psi(20 to 40 kPa) oil pressure to be in the lines. Thispressure will be enough to let the brake pads releasefrom the brake discs but will keep a small amount ofpressure so that the brake pads will clean them-selves.TRACTOR AIR CHAMBER AND MASTER CYLINDER1. Air line. 2. Master cylinder. 3. Valve. 4. Oil line totractor brakes. 5. Air chamber. 6. Stroke indicator.SCRAPER AIR CHAMBER AND MASTER CYLINDER7. Master cylinder. 8. Air chamber. 9. Air line.10. Oil line to scraper brakes. 11. Valve. 12. Strokeindicator. 13. Quick release valve.2-138AIR CHAMBER AND MASTER CYLINDERA. Air chamber. B. Diaphragm. C. Spring. D. Rod.E. Piston.
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