TM5-3805-260-24out by the master cylinder piston causes the caliperpistons to extend and apply the brakes. When the applyforce is released, a spring returns the master cylinderpiston and the brake fluid returns to the reservoir-CAUTIONAlways bleed air from the hydraulic brakesystem when a line has been disconnected.Quick Release ValveThe quick release valve releases the air from thescraper rotochamber. The quick release have has threepositions. In the OPERATE position, pressure air goesthrough, the valve into the rotochamber. In the HOLDposition, pressure air is held in the rotochamber. In theRELEASE position, air in the rotochamber is releasedthrough exhaust passage (5).When the brake pedal is pushed down. pressure airgoes into the inlet passage t2) of the quick release valve.The diaphragm (4) moves down, closing the exhaustpassage (5) The outer edges of the diaphragm arepushed down against the resistance of spring (6).Pressure air goes through the outlet passage (1) to therotochamber.QUICK RELEASE VALVE(OPERATE POSITION)1. Passage to rotochamber. 2. Inlet passage. 3. Plug.. 4. Diaphragm. 5. Exhaust passage. 6. Spring.When the pressure below the diaphragm is thesame as the pressure above the diaphragm. spring (6)moves the edge of the diaphragm up against the valvebody. The center of the diaphragm still covers theexhaust passage (5). This is the HOLD position.QUICK RELEASE VALVEHOLD POSITION)When the control valve for the service brakes isreleased, air pressure on top of the diaphragm isreleased. The air pressure in the rotochambers lifts thediaphragm and opens exhaust passage (5). Air goes outof the rotochambers through passage (1) to release thebrakes.QUICK RELEASE VALVE(EXHAUST POSITION)Wheel BrakesThe friction pad (3) is pushed( against disc (6) toprovide brakes for the machine. The discs turn with thehubs, and the calipers are connected solidly on the axleflange. The brake assembly has to pistons and a frictionpad on each side of the disc. The pads and hacking areheld in place by anchor pins. When there is a brakeapplication, oil pushes thepiston and pads against thedisc.CAUTIONTo prevent damage to pistons and seals, donot push on brake pedal when brake pads areremoved.2-140
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