TM 5-3805-260-24TIMING GEAR COVER AND OIL PUMPREMOVE TIMING GEAR COVER AND OIL PUMPTools NeededABFT1321Support Beam11H5514Bolt (5/16"-18NCx 1 5/8in long)48S7630Stand18S7611Tube18S7615Pin28S7625Collar15S7650Cylinder15P3100Pump Group1start by:a)remove air compressorb)remove tachometer drivec)remove crankshaft pulleyd)remove oil pan1.Install crankshaft pulley bolt (2) in the end of thecrankshaft.2.Remove plug (1) from the timing gear cover andinstall a 5/16"-18 NC x 2 ½/2 in. long bolt in itsplace. Cover bolt (3) can be used. Turn thecrankshaft (clockwise as seen from the front ofthe engine) until the bolt can be installed into thetiming gear and is in the center of the timinghole.NOTE: This operation is used to make an alignment of themarks on the timing gears and to put the crankshaft in aposition to install tooling (A).3.Bend the tabs of the locks from the four bolts (4)that hold suction bell assembly (5) to the oilpump. Remove the bolts and bell assembly (5)from the oil pump.4.Remove the rear oil filter from the engine oilcooler and put tooling (A) in position under theengine.5.Put tooling (B) in position under tooling (A) asshown.6.Remove two bolts (6), the washers and belttightener (7).7.Remove the three bolts (8), elbow (9) and thegasket.3-118
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