TM 5-3805-260-24FLYWHEEL HOUSING RUNOUTFace Runout (axial eccentricity) of the FlywheelHousing:1.Fasten a dial indicator to the crankshaft. flange sothe anvil of the indicator will touch the face of theflywheel housing.2.Put a force on the crankshaft. toward the rear beforereading the indicator at each point.3.With dial indicator set at .000 in (0.0 mm) at location(A), turn the crankshaft. and read the indicator atlocations (B), (C) and (D).4.The difference between lower and highermeasurements taken at all four points must not bemore than .010 in. (0.25 mm), which is themaximum permissible face run out (axialeccentricity) of the flywheel housing.1-30
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