TM 5-3805-260-24FLYWHEEL HOUSING BORENOTE: Write the dial indicator measurements with their positive (+)and negative (-) notation (signs). This notation is necessary formaking the calculations in the chart correctly.1.With the dial indicator in position at (C), adjust the dial indicatorto "0" (zero) Push the crankshaft. up against the top bearingWrite the measurement for bearing clearance on line 1 in column (C).2.Divide the measurement from Step 1 by 2 Write this number online 1 In columns (B) & (D).3.Turn the crankshaft. to put the dial Indicator at (A) Adjust the dialindicator to "0" (zero).4.Turn the crankshaft. counterclockwise to put the dial indicator at(B). Write the measurement in the chart.5.Turn the crankshaft. counterclockwise to put the dial indicator at(C). Write the measurement in the chart.6.Turn the crankshaft. counterclockwise to put the dial indicator at(D). Write the measurement in the chart.7.Add lines I & II by columns.8.subtract the smaller number from the larger number in line III incolumns (B) & (D) The result is the horizontal "eccentricity" (outof round) Line III, column (C) is the vertical eccentricity.CHART FOR DIAL INDICATOR MEASUREMENTSPosition ofdial indicatorLineNo.ABCDCorrection for bearing clearanceI0Dial Indicator ReadingII0Total of Line 1 & 2III0******Total Vertical eccentricity (out of round).**Subtract the smaller No. from the larger No. The difference isthe total horizontal eccentricity9.On the graph for total eccentricity find the point of Intersection ofthe lines for vertical eccentricity and horizontal eccentricity10.If the point of intersection is in the range marked "Acceptable"the bore is in alignment If the point of intersection is in therange marked "Not Acceptable" the flywheel housing must bechanged1-31
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