TM 5-3806-260-24FINAL DRIVESDISASSEMBLE FINAL DRIVESstart by:a)remove final drivesI.Remove shafts (1) from the final drive carrier.2.Remove the retaining rings from the shafts.3.Remove gears (2) the six steel washers the sixbronze washers and the six bearings from gears(2).ASSEMBLE FINAL DRIVESI.Install bearings (3) and (4) in gear (9).2.Install ring (8) on shaft (7).3.Hold washers (I) (2) (5) and (6) in position ongear (9).NOTE: Steel washers (2) and (5) must be assembled nextto gear (9).4Install gear (9) the bearings and the washers infinal drive carrier (10).5.Install shaft (7) in final drive carrier (10) to holdgear (9) in position.NOTE: Make sure the flat surface of shaft (7) is towardthe outside of final drive carrier (10) so the coverassembly can be installed. Do Steps I through 5 for theother two gears in final drive carrier.end by:a)install final drives3-148
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