TM 5-3805-260-24HYDRAULIC MOTOR(7J4458)(1)Torque for bolts 200 ± 10 Ib.ft. (270 ± 14 N m)PLANETARY ASSEMBLY(1U36)(1)7J6545 Shim (thickness) 002 in. (0.05 mm)7J6546 Shim (thickness) 003 in. (0.08 mm)7J6547 Shim (thickness) 005 in. (0 13 mm)7J6548 Shim (thickness) 010 in. (0.25 mm)Bearings (2) Adjustment:1.Install bolt (4) and washer (5) without shims (1).Tighten bolt (4) untilgear does not turn freely.2.Measure the gap under the washer to get the thicknessfor shims (1).3.Remove bolt (4) and washer (5).4.Install the thickness of shims (1) measured in Step 2and installwasher (5), plate (lock) and bolt (4) Tighten the bolt to atorque of50 ± 10 lb ft. (75 ± 15 N m)NOTE Gear must turn freely with no end play, 000 to 002in. (.00 to 0.05mm) tight.(3)9J248 Shim (thickness)002 in. (0.05 mm)9J249 Shim (thickness) 003 in (O 08 mm)9J258 Shim (thickness) 005 in. (0.13 mm)9J259 Shim (thickness) 010 in ( 25 mm)Bearings (6) Adjustment:1.Install plate (7) without shims (3). Tighten bolts2.Measure the gap under plate (7).to a torque of 15 lb.ft. (20 N-m).3.Remove the bolts and plate (7).4.Install a thickness of shims (3) .001 to .005 in. (0 03 to00 13 mm) lessthan the gap measured in Step 2. Install plate (7) and thebolts andlockwashers Tighten bolts to a torque of 32 ± 5 Ib.ft. (45± 7 N-m)NOTE: With the housing level, fill housing with SAE 80oil to the fill level"plug opening (on side of the housing). DO NOT OVERFILL Install plugand give oil time to drain down into housing Remove "filllevel" plug andlet all extra oil drain out. Install plug.4-10
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