TM 5-3805-260-24Test 36:Flow rate of the pump and controlvalve.Test 45:Flow rate of the pump, control valve,and left cylinder and carry check valve.The system components tested in Tests 6 and45 are the same except for the right bowl cylinder. Thenthe difference in flow rates must be the leakage in theright bowl cylinder (take the test information for Test 4away from the test information for Test 45).The system components tested in Tests 36 and45 are the same except for the left bowl cylinder andcarry check valves. Then the difference in flow ratesmust be the leakage in the left bowl cylinder (take thetest information for Test 45 away from the testinformation for Test 36).Make a comparison of the test data with the datagiven on Chart E for the specific machine under test.The information on Chart E is for best componentperformance.TroubleshootingPROBLEM: Leakage rates for Tests 43, 44, 45 and 46are more than the rates shown on ChartE.PROBABLE REASON:Pressure relief valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Inspect the relief valve.PROBLEM: Leakage rate for Test 43 is more than therate shown on Chart E.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the piston seal of the ejectorcylinder.B. Wear or damage in the ejector cylinderassembly.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Disassemble and make repairs to the cylinder.PROBLEM: Leakage rate in Test 44 is more than therate shown on Chart E.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the piston seal of the floorcylinder.B. Wear or damage in the floor cylinderassembly.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Disassemble and make repairs to the floorcylinders.PROBLEM: Leakage rates in Tests 45 and 46 aremore than shown on Chart E.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the piston seals of the right or leftbowl cylinders.B. Wear or damage in the right or left bowlcylinder.C. Loose nut on a piston.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Disassemble and make repairs to the right or leftbowl cylinder.Elevator Motor Control Circuit Test (Chart F)Test 53: System Oil TemperatureTee location: The plug on the supply line nearthe elevator control valve.Blocking location: Between the elevator controlvalve and the pump supply line.1. Put the speed control lever in the HIGH SPEEDposition.2. Open the manual load valve fully.3. Start the diesel engine.4. Look at the oil temperature gauge.5. Write down the oil temperature. Oil temperature mustbe 150 5 F.Test 54: System Flow RateTee location: The plug on the supply line nearthe elevator control valve.Blocking location: Between the elevator controlvalve and the pump supply line.1. Put the speed control lever in the HIGH SPEEDposition.2. Open the manual valve fully.3. Get the engine to test rpm.4. Make an adjustment to the manual load valve to get1000 psi.4-55
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