TM 5-3805-260-24Tee location for Tests 34 through 38 are at theplug on the supply line elbow at the scraper control valveor pump. Blocking locations are explained at thebeginning for each test. See schematics and illustrationsfor the specific machine being tested.NOTE: It is important that the tee block and blockingplate assemblies be installed in the exact position shownto get the correct test results. Remove all blockingplates not for the specific test being made.For All Blocked Circuit Tests1. Put control levers in HOLD position.2. Open the manual load valve fully.3. Start the diesel engine.Blocked Circuit TestTee location for Tests 33 through 37 is the plugon the supply line near the scraper control valve.Test 33: System Oil Temperature1. Put the ejector control lever in the FOR- WARDposition.2. Run the engine at any rpm with the system pressureat 0 to 100 psi.3. Write down the oil temperature.Tests 34 through 37: Leakage Rate1. Block the circuit line for the ejector and bowl circuitsat the control valve.2. With the manual load valve fully open, move theejector control lever to the FORWARD (OPEN)position.3. Run the engine at test rpm.4. Slowly close the manual load valve to get 1000 psipressure.5. Write down the flow rate (gpm).6. Do this procedure again for ejector return, bowl raise,and bowl lower.Tests 38 through 40: Leakage RateTee location: The plug on the supply line nearthe elevator control valve.Blocking location: The circuit line for the elevatorcircuit at the control valve.1. With the manual load valve fully open, move theelevator control lever to the FORWARD position.2. Slowly close the manual load valve to get 1000 psi.3. Write down the flow rate (gpm).4. Repeat this procedure for elevator reverse andelevator fast forward.Test 41: System Oil Temperature1. Put the ejector control lever in FORWARD (OPEN)position.2. Run the engine at any rpm with the system pressureat 0 to 100 psi.3. Write down the oil temperature.Find the leakage rate’ of the circuit and theleakage rate of the control valves. Use the testinformation from the System Tests, Pump Test andBlocked Circuit Tests.Example 1: Find the leakage rates of the ejectorcircuit in the FORWARD position.Test 23;Chart C1: Flow rate of the pump only.Test 34:Flow of pump and control valve.Test 4:Flow rate of pump, control valve andcircuit.The system components tested in Tests 34 and23, Chart C1 are the same except for the control valve.Then the difference in flow rates must be the leakage inthe control valve in the circuit (take the test informationfor Test 34 away from the test information for Test 23,Chart C1).The system components tested in Tests 34 and4 are the same except for the cylinders, and floorcylinder check valve (ejector cylinder check valve). Thenthe difference in flow rates must be the leakage in thecylinders, and floor cylinder check valve (ejector cylindercheck valve) (take the test information for Test 4 awayfrom the test information for Test 34).Example 2: Find the leakage rates of the eleva-tor circuit in the FORWARD FAST position.4-51
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