TM 5-3805-260-24CAUTION: Immediately after the diesel engine isstopped, remove the Blocking Plate Assembly from thepressure line for the pump to prevent any possibledamage later.TroubleshootingPROBLEM: Percent of flow loss for Test 23 is 10% orMORE and flow differential for Test 23 ismore than 2 gpm higher than the flowdifferential for Test 25. Tests 26 through30 have the same flow differential.PROBABLE REASON:Oil aeration (low oil level, hydraulic oil that is notthe correct type, air leak in the suction line for the pump,oil leaks in the tank such as failure of seals, looseconnections or pump cartridge is not installed correctly inpump body).RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:A. Check oil level and type of hydraulic oil beingused.B. Check suction line for air leaks put foam (likeshaving cream) on all connections. Thefoam will be pulled into the line at any pointof leakage.C. Remove the cover from the hydraulic tankand inspect for oil leaks (check above theoil level first).D. Disassemble the pump and check for correctassembly and damage to seals.PROBLEM: Flow differential between each of theTests 26 through 30 suddenly becomeslower at one test and the flow rate is thesame for the remainder of the tests athigher engine speed (rpm). Example: 8gpm differential between Tests 26 and27, 27 and 28, 28 and 29, but 1 gpmdifferential between 28 and 29 and flowrate for Test 30 is the same as 29.PROBABLE REASON:Pump cavitation (restriction in the suction line forthe pump).RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Inspect suction line and tank.BLOCKED CIRCUIT TESTS (CHART D)If the System Tests and Pump Tests give anindication of leakage in the control valves and/orcylinders that is not acceptable, do the Blocked CircuitTests. Blocking Plate Assemblies can be put ineach of the circuit lines. For best accuracy, do thesetests with the oil temperature approximately 150°F (nearthe oil temperature for the System Tests and PumpTests). For parts reference see pages 4-59 through 4-64.CIRCUIT BLOCKING LOCATIONS(See Tee Test Tooling Chart for parts reference)1. Bowl, Tests 36 & 37. 2. Ejector, Tests 34 & 35.CIRCUIT BLOCKING LOCATIONS(See Tee Test Tooling Chart for parts reference)1. Bowl, Tests 36 & 37.FLOOR CYLINDER BLOCKING LOCATION(Test 44)(See Tee Test Tooling Chart for parts reference)4-47
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