TM 5-3805-260-24Test 40:Flow rate of pump and unloadingvalve.Test 17:Flow rate of pump, control valve andunloading valve.The components tested in Tests 40 and 17 arethe same except for the control valve. The difference inthe flow rates must be caused by leakage in the controlvalve.Make a comparison of all the test data with thedata on Chart D for the machine under test. Theinformation on Chart D is for best circuit performance.TroubleshootingPROBLEM: Leakage rates for Tests 34, 35, 36, 37,and 38 are more than the rates shown inChart D.PROBABLE REASON:Leakage in the pressure relief valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Inspect pressure relief valve.PROBLEM: Tests 34 and 35 give an indication ofleakage in the ejector circuit.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in the ejector cylinders.B. Leakage in the floor cylinder.C. Leakage in the floor check valve (ejectorcheck valve).RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do Tests 43 and 44 for the ejector circuit.PROBLEM: Tests 36 and 37 give an indication ofleakage in the bowl circuit.PROBABLE REASON:A. Leakage in only one of the cylinders andcheck valve.B. Leakage in both cylinders and check valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Do Tests 45 and 46 for the bowl circuit.PROBLEM: Motor leakage rate in Tests 38, 39 and 40is more than shown in Chart D.PROBABLE REASON:Leakage in the motor.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Disassemble and inspect the elevator motor.Make a repair or install new parts as necessary.PROBLEM: Leakage rate in Test 40 is more thanshown in Chart D.PROBABLE REASON:Damage in the control valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Disassemble and inspect the control valve.Make a repair or install new parts as necessary.PROBLEM: Leakage rate for Tests 34, 35, 36 and 37are more than shown in Chart D.PROBABLE REASON:Leakage in the pressure relief valve.RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION:Inspect pressure relief valve.BLOCKED COMPONENT TESTS (CHART E)If the Blocked Circuit Tests give an indication ofleakage that is too high in cylinders, valves, or motor, dothe Blocked Component Tests. For best accuracy,operate all controls through several cycles to get thetemperature of oil in the cylinders the same as thetemperature of the oil in the hydraulic tank. Make thetemperature of the oil in the complete system 150° F.WARNING: Lower all implements to theground. Stop the engine. Move the controllevers through OPERATE and HOLD posi-tions to release any pressure oil in thehydraulic lines. All pressure in the lines must bereleased to prevent injury to personnel and damage toequipment when the lines are loosened. To loosen thelines with pressure oil in them can cause the implementto move and/or pressure oil to be released. Open thefiller cap for the hydraulic tank to release any tankpressure. Close the cap.Tee locations are not the same for all tests. Atthe beginning of each test, tee locations and blockinglocations are explained. See the schematics andillustrations for the specific machine being tested.4-52
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