TM 5-3805-260-24ELEVATOR CONTROL VALVEASSEMBLE ELEVATOR CONTROLVALVETools NeededA1P510Driver Group11. Make sure all of the parts of the control valve areclean and free of dirt and foreign material beforeit is assembled. Put clean hydraulic oil on all ofthe parts of the valve.2. Install valve (2) and spring (3) in body (1). PutO-ring seal (4) on plug (5) and install plug (5) inbody (1).3. Install the O-ring seal in the body. Install cover(6) on the body.4. Install flange (7) on the body.5. Install the lip type seal in retainer (8) with tooling(A). Install the seal until it makes contact with thering in the body and with the lip of the seal towardthe inside of the retainer as shown.6. Turn retainer (8) over and install lip type seal inretainer with tooling (A). Install the seal until itmakes contact with the ring in the body and withthe lip of the seal toward the outside of the re-tainer as shown.4-106
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