TM 5-3805-260-24PROBLEMPROBABLE CAUSERECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTIONMachine steers slowly in both directions.1. Valve spool does not move enough.2. Relief valve setting is too low.3. Failure or damage of pilot valve or flow controlvalve.4. Pump output is low.5. Failure of a piston seal in the steering cylinders.a. Check valve spool, repair or replace asnecessary.b. Check relief valve setting, adjust asnecessary.c. Replace pilot valve/flow control valve.d. Check pump, repair or replace asnecessary.e. Check piston seals in the steering cylinders,repair or replace as necessary.Machine turns slowly in one direction.Valve spool does not move enough in one direction(spool not centered).Check spool and adjust or replace asnecessary.Steering is not smooth (jerky).1. Air in the hydraulic oil.2. Relief valve setting is low.a. Bleed the hydraulic oil lines.b. Check relief valve, adjust or replace asnecessary.Machine turns correctly when roading (moving), butis slow in both directions when the machine turnsagainst a load (high resistance).1. Leakage past relief valve seat or seals.2. The fit of the flow control valve in the bore is notcorrect.a. Check relief valve setting, valve seats andseals, replace as necessary.b. Inspect flow control valve spool and bore,replace as necessary.PROBLEMPROBABLE CAUSERECOMMENDED CORRECTIVE ACTIONMachine turns slowly, even when the steeringwheel is in NEUTRAL.1. Mechanical linkage for steering does not movefreely.2. Valve spool does not move freely (is stuck).3. Valve spool in control valve is not adjustedcorrectly (not centered).a. Check linkage, repair or replace asnecessary.b. Check spool, adjust or replace as necessary.c. Check spool adjustment, repair or replace asnecessary.The oil pressure is low.1. The relief valve setting is low.2. The pump has too much wear.3. The failure of a seal in the system.a. Check relief valve setting, adjust asnecessary.b. Check pump, repair or replace as necessary.c. Check seals in system, replace as necessary.The oil temperature is too high.1. The viscosity of the oil is wrong.2. The relief valve setting is too low.3. Loose connection of the oil line on the inlet side ofpump.4. The pump has too much wear.a. Replace with oil of the proper viscosity.b. Adjust relief valve as necessary.c. Secure connection.d. Check pump, repair or replace as necessary.5. Jumper hose to load transfer valve (on right sideof tractor near fender) not in place.2-112
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