TM 5-3805-260-24STEERING CONTROL VALVE1. Plug for relief valve pressure tap. 2. Steeringcontrol valve.1. Remove plug (I) from steering control valve (2) andinstall the hose for the pressure gauge. Connect theother end (of the hose to the 0 to 4000 psi gauge (fromthe 5P5224 Pressure Gauge Kit).2.Start the engine and turn the machine against thestop.3.With the engine at high idle, keep the steering wheelin the turned position. Watch the pressure gauge.4. The indication on the gauge is the pressure of the oilthat opens the relief valve for) the steering circuit. Thecorrect pressure setting of the relief valve is 2000 25psi (140.6 1.8 kglcm2) (13 790 172 kPa).STEERING CONTROL VALVE2. Steering control valve. 3. Plug.5. If it is necessary to change the relief valve setting,remove plug (3) from the steering control valve.Add shims (4) for an increase in the pressure setting,and remove the shims for a pressure decrease .PRESSURE CHANGE FOR ONE SHIMPart No.ThicknessChange in Pressure3H2549010 in. (O 25 mm)40 psi (2 8 kg/cm2)(276 kPa)STEERING CONTROL VALVE3. Plug. 4. Pressure relief shims.Check of Valve Spool Center PositionThe valve spool is kept in the NEUTRAL position bysprings (3) and (4). The spool must be in its centerposition .when the springs move the spool to NEUTRAL.To check the center position of the spool:1. Install two 600 psi gauges to check the pressure atvalves (1) and (2).STEERING LINES (TOP OF GOOSENECK)1. Bleed valve for right turn circuit. 2. Bleed valvefor left turn circuit.2-114
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