TM 5-3805-260-24Pump makes noise and the steering cylinder roddoes not move smoothly.1. Air in the steering hydraulic circuit.2. The pump has too much wear.3. Loose connection of the oil line on the inlet side ofthe pump.4. The viscosity of the oil is wrong.5. The relief valve opens at low oil pressure.6. The oil level in the tank is low.a. Bleed hydraulic oil lines.b. Check pump, repair or replace as necessary.c. Tighten line connection.d. Replace oil with oil of proper viscosity.e. Adjust relief valve as necessary.f. Fill tank to proper level.STEERING HYDROAULIC SYSTEMPUMP EFFICIENCY CHECKFor any pump test at a given rpm, the pump flow(gpm) at 100 psi (7.0 kg/cm2) (690 kPa) will be largerthan the pump flow (gpm) at 1000 psi (70.0 kg/cm2)(6900 kPa).The difference between the pump flow of twooperating pressures is the flow loss.Method of finding flow loss...Pump flow at 100 psi 57.5 gpm (litre/min)*Pump flow at 1000 psi -52.0 gpm (litre/min)*Flow loss 5.5 gpm (litre/min)*Flow loss when given as a percent of pump flow isused as a measure of pump performance.Example of finding percent of flow loss...Percent(gpmflowloss) x100 =of flow(Pump flow @ 100 psi) )lossor (*5.5 ) x 100 = 9.5%(*57.5)If the percent of flow loss is more than 10%, pumpperformance is not good enough.*Numbers in examples are for illustration and are notvalues for any specific pump or pump condition. SeeSPECIFICATIONS for pump flow of a new pump at 100psi and 1000 psi.Test On The MachineInstall a 9S2000 Flow’ Meter. Measure pump flow at 100psi (7.0 kg/cm2) (690 kPa) and at 1000 psi (70.0 kg/cm2)(6900 kPa) with engine at 2000 rpm.NOTE: See Tee Test Tooling Chart Form No. REG00910.Formula I:Percent(gpm100psi-gpm@1000psi)x 100 =of flow(gpm @ 100)lossTest On The BenchIf the test bench can not be run at 1000 psi at a highrpm, do the first part of the test with the pump shaftrotation at 1000 rpm. Measure pump flow at 100 psi (7.0kg/cm2) (690 kPa) and at 1000 psi (70.0 k, g/cm2) (6900kPa). Then to measure the pump flow, s for the last partof the test, see SPECIFICATIONS for: Pump rpm at 100psi with the engine at 2000 rpm.Formula II:Percent(gpm@100psi-gpm@1000psi)x 100 =of flow(gpm @ 100 psi @ 2000 rpm )lossSTEERING CONTROL VALVEThe values shown in the SPECIFICATIONS are forhydraulic oil that is I 50°F (65°C). Run the engine andoperate the hydraulic system to increase the temperatureof the hydraulic oil. Stop the engine and loosen the fillercap to let the airout of the supply tank before a test hoseand gauge are installed or removed.Relief Valve for the Steering CircuitThe steering control valve is located under the operator'sstation.2-113
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