TM 5-3805-260-24CAUTION: Do not turn the steering wheel when theengine is running and a low pressure gauge is installedin the steering circuit. If the steering wheel is turned, thegauge will be damaged.2. Start the engine and run it at high idle.3. The indication on each gauge must be 40 10 psi(2.8 0.7 kg/cm2) (276 69 kPa). Thedifference between the two indications must notbe more than 10 psi (0.7 kg/cm2) (69 kPa).If the pressures are not correct, the valve spool isnot in its center position. Shims (5) are used to makethe adjustment to the spool position.STEERING CONTROL VALVE3. Spring (outer). 4. Spring (inner). 5. Flowbalance shims.4. Add shims to increase the pressure at valve ( I )and decrease the pressure at valve (2).5. If a pressure increase is necessary at valve (2),remove shims (5). This will also decrease thepressure at valve (1).AIR IN THE STEERING CIRCUITUse the procedure that follows to remove air from thesteering system before and after tests are made:1. Start the engine and turn the machine againsteither the right or the left stop.2. With the engine running and the machine againstthe stop, open valves (I) and (2).STEERING LINES (TOP OF GOOSENECK)1. Bleed valve for right turn circuit. 2. Bleedvalve for left turn circuit.3. When only oil (w with no air) runs out of the openvalves, close the valves.4. Turn the machine against the stop in the otherdirection and open the valves again.5. Close both valves when no air can be seen inthe oil that runs out of the open valves.2-115
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