TM 5-3805-260-24PISTONSCheck pistons for scores, cracks or enlarged ringgrooves; replace pistons if any of these conditions arefound. Measure each piston with a micrometer inrelation to the cylinder bore diameter to be sure theclearance is between 0. 002 in. minimum and 0. 004 in.maximum.Check fit of wrist pins on pistons and connecting rodbushings. Wrist pin should be a light press fit in pistons.If wrist pin is loose fit, the pin, piston, or both should bereplaced. Check fit of wrist pin in connecting rod bushingby rocking the piston. This clearance should not exceed0. 0015 in. Replace wrist pin bushings if excessiveclearance is found. Wrist pin bushings should bereamed after being pressed into connecting rods.Replace Teflon plugs in each end of the wrist pins.PISTON RINGSCheck fit of piston rings in piston ring grooves. Checkring gap with rings installed in cylinder bores.PISTON RING POSITIONS -GAPS AND GROOVE CLEARANCEAll rings must be located in their proper ring grooves asshown. The rings can be identified by the width andshould be installed with the bevel or the pipmark (if any)toward the top of the piston. This applies to Cast IronPistons (only as shown above).3-20CRANKSHAFTCheck crankshaft screw threads, keyways, taperedends and all machined and ground surfaces for wear,scores, or damage. Crankshaft journals which are outof round more than 0. 001 in. must be reground.Bearing inserts are avail- able in 0. 010 in. , 0. 020 in., and 0. 030 in. undersizes for reground crankshafts.Main bearing journals must be maintained so bearingsare snug fit. Check to be sure the oil passages are openand clean through the crankshaft.CONNECTING ROD BEARINGSCheck connecting rod bearings on crankshaft journalsfor proper fit. Used bearing inserts should be replaced.Connecting rod caps are not interchangeable. Thelocking slots of the connecting rod and cap should bepositioned adjacent to each other. Clearance betweenthe connecting rod journal and the connecting rodbearing must not be less than 0. 0003 in. Or more than0. 0021 in. after rebuilding.MAIN BEARINGSCheck for wear or flat spots; if found, bearings shouldbe replaced. The sleeve bearing should be checked forscores and wear and replaced if necessary.UNLOADER MECHANISMUsed unloader mechanism should be replaced byunloader kit 265014.The new unloader pistons should be a loose sliding fit inthe unloader piston bores of the cylinder block.
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