TM 5-3805-260-24CLEANING AND INSPECTIONOF PARTSCLEANINGAll parts should be cleaned thoroughly in a good cleaningsolvent before inspection.CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLYRemove all carbon deposits from discharge cavities andall rust and scale from cooling cavities of cylinder headbody. Scrape all foreign matter from body surfaces anduse airpressure to blow dirt particles from all cavities.Discharge valves can be dressed by lapping them on apieceof fine crocus cloth on a flat surface, provided they arenot excessively worn.CYLINDER BLOCKClean carbon and dirt from inlet and unloader passages.Use air pressure to blow carbon and dirt deposits fromunloader passages.Inlet valves, as in the case of discharge valves, notworn excessively, can be cleaned by lapping them on apiece of fine crocus cloth on a flat surface.OIL PASSAGEClean thoroughly all oil passages through crankshaft,connecting rods, crankcase and end covers. Ifnecessary inspect passages with a wire and blow foreignmatter out with air pressure.INSPECTION OF PARTSCYLINDER HEAD BODYInspect cylinder head body for cracks or damage.DISCHARGE VALVES AND SEATSIf discharge valves are worn and grooved where theycontact the seats, they should be replaced. If thedischarge valve seats are worn excessively so that thereis no longer enough metal left to reclaim them bylapping, the seats should be replaced.DISCHARGE VALVE SPRING AND CAP NUTSReplace all used discharge valve springs and cap nuts.CRANKCASE AND END COVERSCheck for cracks or broken lugs in crankcase and endcovers. Also check their oil passages to make sure theyare open and cleanCheck the crankshaft sleeve bearing in the rear endcover for excessive wear and flat spots and replace ifnecessary.CYLINDER BLOCKCheck for cracks or broken lugs on cylinder block. Alsocheck unloader bore bushings to be sure they are notworn, rusted or damaged. If these bushings are to bereplaced they can be removed by running a 1/8 in. pipethread tap inside the bushing, then inserting a 1/8 in.pipe threaded rod and pulling the bushing straight up andout. Do not use an easy-out for removing thesebushings.INLET VALVES AND SEATSIf inlet valves are grooved or worn where they contact theseat, they should be replaced. If the inlet valve seatsare worn or damaged so they cannot be reclaimed byfacing, they should be replaced.MEASURING CYLINDER BORESCYLINDER BORESCylinder bores which are scored or out of round by morethan 0. 002 in. or tapered more than 0. 003 in. shouldbe rebored or honed oversize. Oversize pistons areavailable in 0. 010, 0. 020, and 0. 030 oversizes.Cylinder bores must be smooth, straight, and round.Clearance between cast iron pistons and cylinder boresshould be between 0. 002 in. minimum and 0. 004 in.maximum (Fig. 20).3-19
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