TM 5-3805-260-24FUEL INJECTION NOZZLES3.Loosen the locknut (4) that holds the pressureadjustment ,screw. Use tool (D) to hold the pres-sure adjustment screw.4.While the nozzle is held in one hand, tilt thenozzle and remove the pressure adjusting screwand locknut, spring, seat and valve.5.If the valve does not slide out of the nozzle,install tool (C) and remove valve as follows:a)Push valve into nozzle with tool (C) untilvalve is against bottom of nozzle.b)Push down on body of tool (C) to engagecollet on valve with tool (C).c)Turn nut counterclockwise and remove valvefrom the nozzle body. Put the parts in solventto loosen carbon and deposits of foreignmaterial. The body is assembled with anepoxy material and must not be in contactwith the solvent for more than one to twohours.ASSEMBLE FUEL INJECTIONNOZZLESTools NeededABC8S2250Nozzle Holding Tool18S2242Nozzle Test Group19S5031Socket1NOTE: sure all of the parts have been thoroughlycleaned before the nozzles are assembled. Flush thebody to remove an)- debris or lapping compound.1.Put clean fuel on all of the parts.2.Put valve (1) in position in the body as shown.3.Install lift adjustment screw (6) into pressurescrew’ (5). Turn the lift adjustment screw two orthree turns. Install the locknut (4) on the pressureadjustment screw (5).4.Put spring (3), and seat (2) in position on theadjustment screw(5).5.Put seat (2) in contact with the and push theinto position in the body. Tighten the pres-sure screw b) hand.3-84
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