TM 5-3805-260-24LOWER FUEL TANKREMOVE LOWER FUELTANK1. Make preparations to remove fuel tank.a) Remove rear cover assembly. Make refer-ence to REMOVE EJECTOR CYLINDER inSYSTEMS DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEM-BLY, CAPTER 4.b) Put the ejector in rear position.c) Remove the drain plug on the bottom of thetank and drain it. The capacity of the tank is 65gal. (246 litre).2. Disconnect brake line (I) from the tee. Discon-nect brake lines (2) and (3) from fittings found oneach side of the frame. Remove three bolts (4)from the clips. Remove the lines.3. Remove eight bolts (5) from tank brackets (6).Make sure the plates between the tank and thebrackets are removed and installed in same posi-tion.4. Disconnect fuel line (7) from fitting on top of thetank.5. Disconnect tube (8) and hose (9) from the top oftank.3-87
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