TM 5-3805-260-24ELEVATOR SPEED VALVE2. Transmission. 8. Valve spool (in LOW SPEEDposition).The elevator speed valve is beside transmission (2) onthe right side of the machine. The flexible cable from theelevator speed lever is connected to valve spool (8) inthe speed control valve.ELEVATOR SPEED VALVE8. Valve spool. 9. Outlet (to the tank). 10. Inlet frompump. 11. Outlet (to hydraulic motor). H. HIGHSPEED position. L. LOW SPEED position.Hydraulic elevator motorOil from the pump goes through inlet (10) andthrough outlet (9) to the tank when valve spool (8) is inLOW SPEED position (L). When the elevator speedlever is moved to the HI position as shown, the flexiblecable moves valve spool (8) to HIGH SPEED position(H). Now, the pump oil through inlet (10) goes throughoutlet (11) and to an oil line from the other pump section.The oil from both pump sections goes to the elevatormotor and runs the elevator at high rpm.SCRAPER VALVESControl Valve (Lift Circuit)The scraper control valve is beside the transmissionnear the right side of the machine.SCRAPER CONTROL VALVE1. Relief valve. 2. Line (to head ends of bowlcylinders. 3. Inlet (pump). 4. Line (to rod ends ofbowl cylinders).SCRAPER CONTROL VALVE1. Relief valve. 2. Opening (to head ends of bowlcylinders). 3. Inlet (from pump). 4. Opening (to rodends of bowl cylinders). 5. Hole (to passage in valvestem). 6. Bowl valve spool. 7. Hole (to passage Invalve stem). 8. Passage (from vent line for carrycheck valves). 9. Hole (to passage In valve stem). 10.Opening (to ejector and door cylinder). 11. Outlet (totank). 12. Opening (to ejector and door cylinder). 13.Ejector valve spool. 14. Ejector kick-out valve. A. UPposition. B.HOLD position. C. DOWN position. D.EJECT (Open) position. E. HOLD position. F.RETURN (Close) position.4-21
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